The Republic of Congo tapping into the wealth of expertise and innovations available in Brazil on family farming and school feeding programmes; Cuba's support in the fight against Ebola in West ...
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and chronic lung disease, are collectively responsible for almost 70 per cent of all deaths worldwide.
Despite intersecting and compounding global crises in recent years, nations and regions worldwide have accelerated their commitment to digital government strategies, according to the 2024 edition of ...
Convivir en paz: un proceso necesario para el desarrollo sostenible La paz no sólo es la ausencia de conflictos. Convivir en paz consiste en aceptar las diferencias y tener la capacidad de ...
As world leaders prepare for the Summit of the Future on September 22-23, they are urged to forge new international consensus to close the gender gap, achieve gender equality, and advance the ...
The 2024 edition of the United Nations E-Government Survey – Accelerating Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development will explore key trends and innovations that are shaping the future of ...
Every day, children living in wars across the globe are facing unspeakable horrors. They are not safe sleeping in their homes or playing outside, learning in school or seeking medical care at ...
Las fuertes lluvias monzónicas en la provincia de Sind en Pakistán en 2022, se convirtieron en un torrente mortal, desencadenando las peores inundaciones de la historia. Con 4.9 millones de ...
Un equipo de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile, institución miembro de Impacto Académico de las Naciones Unidas (UNAI) en Chile, bajo la actual dirección de los profesores Carolina Bonacic y ...
Handbook on Countering the Misuse of Virtual Assets and Virtual Asset Service Providers for Terrorism Financing Purposes ...
اليوم العالمي لتنظيف البيئة 2024: مدن القطب الشمالي والقمامة البحرية تستضيف مدينة ترومسو بالنرويج الفعالية ...