Cardiovascular events are not significantly decreased with edetate disodium chelation in patients with CAD and history of myocardial infarction and diabetes.
For patients with obesity receiving semaglutide or liraglutide, weight reduction at one year is associated with medication active agent.
Short-term ICS use in asthma, at moderate to high doses daily, may lead to significant but uncommon risk for adverse CV and pulmonary outcomes.
The proportion of US patients reporting a lot of trust for physicians and hospitals decreased by about 30% over the COVID-19 pandemic.
Low adoption of evidence-based treatment practices for addiction and substance use is primarily attributed to institutional barriers.
The BUN to serum albumin ratio could be a simple and useful prognostic tool to gauge survival odds in ICU patients with diabetes and CKD. In patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney ...
Individuals with systemic vasculitis face increased risks for preterm delivery and hypertensive pregnancy disorders during their first births. Individuals with systemic vasculitis face increased risks ...
A study has found that sirolimus-coated balloons vs thin drug-eluting stents in in-stent restenosis show similar favorable clinical outcomes.
For patients with resistant hypertension, a quadruple single pill is superior to triple therapy, according to a study.
Many women older than 65 years have validated menopausal symptoms severely affecting their quality of life and continue to use menopausal hormone therapy.
Children with poorly controlled asthma living near high-traffic roadways have lower lung function measures and higher diesel PM exposure levels.
Prenatal cannabis exposure was not associated with an increased risk for autism, after controlling for confounding variables.