Sex-based differences were identified in the relationship between inflammation and cardiovascular disease among patients with axSpA.
The FDA has expanded the approval of Furoscix to include treatment of congestion due to fluid overload in adult patients with ...
Black patients were more likely to have severe insulin-deficient diabetes and less likely to have mild age-related diabetes than White patients.
Hospitals in the most socioeconomically disadvantaged communities vs those in the most advantaged communities are less likely to adopt stroke certification.
Adolescents exposed to more adverse childhood experiences had a higher risk for obesity. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), particularly physical and sexual abuse and neglect, are strongly ...
Menopausal status affected the link between improved cardiovascular health and T2D risk, as men and postmenopausal women showed similar trends. Improved cardiovascular health reduces the absolute risk ...
Patients with OSA who terminated PAP were at higher risk of all-cause mortality and stroke as well as for major adverse cardiovascular events. In patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), ...
High-dose theta-burst stimulation is safe and efficacious in facilitating poststroke upper extremity motor function recovery.
A study was conducted to determine changes in factor XI activity levels in patients with STEMI. Significant increases occur in factor XI (FXI) activity from admission to discharge in patients with ST­ ...