Ian Smith is an attorney in Washington, D.C., and a contributing blogger with immigration enforcement advocate, the Immigration Reform Law Institute. The Obama administration’s deferred-action ...
What Trump and Harris should have said about immigration during Tuesday’s debate Donald Trump’s unverified claim that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, have been eating local pets became ...
Do Republicans think vice-presidential debate moderators Norah O’Donnell and Margaret Brennan will be fairer than the ones from ABC News? ‘[Democrats] were much more pleased to have Kamala up ...
The Detransitioners is a special three-part series from National Review highlighting the stories of three young women who were driven down the rabbit hole of gender ideology by activist medical ...
Christian Schneider is a National Review contributor and writes the Anti-Knowledge newsletter. He is a co-host of the podcast Wasn't That Special: 50 Years of SNL. Trump promises to provide the ...
College students returned to campus across the country the last couple weeks. Alongside them, the anxious parents of freshmen lovingly helped their kids move into newly purchased tents on the quad.
R. David McLean is the William G. Droms Professor of Finance at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business and the author of The Case for Shareholder Capitalism: How the Pursuit of ...
Michael Q. McShane is the director of national research at EdChoice and the co-author, with Frederick M. Hess, of Getting Education Right: A Conservative Vision for Improving Early Childhood, K ...
We all have a story. I was walking in from recess. Second grade. The teachers appeared to be watching an action movie in the lounge. I was jealous that we had to go outside while the teachers were ...
Erick Erickson is a nationally syndicated conservative talk radio host and a member of the Americans for Prosperity Advisory Council. Much to the chagrin of many in Washington, reports of the ...
On the menu today: This morning, a whole lot of people in right-world want to argue that last night’s debate didn’t go as well as it should have for Donald Trump, because the moderators were ...
it’s more than a “missed opportunity” when you are totally unprepared, whine about how you won in 2020, and then claim that you can solve all the world’s wars, our deficit, and rampant inflation in ...