A common feature of my research has been the effort to combine theory and experiments to develop quantitative geophysical and geochemical models rich enough to shed some light on actual geological ...
Jane Richardson and her husband David have worked together for over 50 years on research to understand the 3D structure of protein and RNA molecules. They were early pioneers in protein ...
Nicholas Read is a theoretical condensed matter physicist known for his work on strongly correlated and topological phases of matter, especially in the fractional quantum Hall effect, including the ...
Signal transduction and gene transcription in immune and other cell types; Mechanisms of store-operated calcium entry; Mechanisms of action of immunosuppressive drugs; Transcriptional mechanisms ...
Her research concerns elementary particles and fundamental forces and has involved the development and study of a wide variety of models, the most recent involving extra dimensions of space. She has ...
As an electrical engineer who has worked in the field of signal processing for over thirty years, I have conducted research in a wide range of areas of speech and image processing. My PhD research at ...
Christine Petit is a geneticist and neurobiologist recognized for her work on the molecular mechanisms of hearing and deafness. By initiating neurogenetic approaches to deciphering these mechanisms, ...
Supriyo Datta received his PhD from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1979 working on surface acoustic wave devices, and has been with Purdue University since 1981. The non-equilibrium ...
R. Scott Poethig is the John H. and Margaret B. Fassitt Professor of Biology at the University of Pennsylvania. He received his Ph.D. from Yale University in 1981, and did post-doctoral research at ...
Terry Plank is the Arthur D. Storke Memorial Professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. She is a geochemist who ...
Dominique Picard studied mathematics in Paris She worked one year at Agro-Paris TECH as assistant Professor, and eleven years at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), at Paris XI as ...
Craig Pikaard earned a B.S. degree from Penn State, a PhD from Purdue, and conducted postdoctoral research at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle. Craig joined the faculty of Washington ...