Isn’t worth it for most gamers. It’s 75% more expensive than the PS5 was when it launched. What’s the big deal? A larger GPU, advanced ray tracing and AI-driven upscaling. Translation ...
Distance from Hong Kong to Switzerland, where surgeons remotely operated on a pig. In Hong Kong, they set up a robotic system with a magnetic endoscope. In Zurich, a doctor watching a real-time ...
⚡ Power play: Ford is partnering with utility company Southern California Edison to pay EV owners for sending power back to the grid. Drivers can earn $1 per kilowatt-hour (kWh). Sweet deal ...
OpenAI is releasing a new model in the next couple of weeks that “thinks” more like a person. In nerd speak, it has advanced reasoning and a better ability to process complex info. Is the name ...
For creating diamonds, now listed for sale on Alibaba. The two main methods for making lab-grown diamonds are the HPHT process and chemical vapor deposition. Sadly, it’s not as easy as just ...
I want to help you Excel at work: Hit Ctrl + [to view where the contents of a cell came from, like a formula or reference. Sweet. A ton more Excel shortcuts here.