We have all heard about the elephant in the room that nobody wants to acknowledge. Well, it has moved to the border! He or she straddles both sides of the ...
It can’t be said enough: social media is the Trojan Horse of democracy.
When we moved to Coronado in the spring of ‘67, yours truly was a skinny crumb-cruncher of nine, going on ten years young. My parents had just purchased a modest ...
Recently, a sixteen-year-old boy driving his father’s BMW plowed into a police car, killing the Sergeant who was driving and seriously injuring his partner. The BMW was traveling at a ...
As long-time residents of Coronado, my family has read the repeated unfair and mean personal attacks levied by Ms. Viera against our Port Commissioner, Frank Urtasun, and we’ve had enough!
The EPA now has the evidence, from the daily ddPCR tests begun in 2022, to halt all ocean dumping from the South Bay Treatment Plant and to cancel expansion of ...
The BK Employees and BK Customers deserve better; on Saturday, 9-7-24, at approximately 4:15 p.m., I decided to treat myself to a Whopper Combo for an early dinner. As usual, ...
Don’t miss the Coronado Oktoberfest on Saturday, October 12th, from 4 to 9 p.m. at the Coronado VFW on Orange Ave. Oktoberfest is the Coronado Marine Corps League’s major fundraiser ...
From 1939 until her passing in 1951, Esther Painter Hagstrom was an art teacher at Coronado High School and the art ...
The September meeting of the Republican Women’s Club, Coronado Crown City, will be held at the Coronado Historical Association Lecture Room, 1100 Orange Ave., Coronado, on Thursday, September 19, at ...
At the Coronado City Council meeting on September 3, the Council was presented with the proposal for the Recreation Fee Study ...
The Coronado Islander girls’ volleyball team continued their torrent 2024 pace this past week, nabbing two road victories ...