The coordinators of member cities of the international Intercultural Cities (ICC) network, together with the coordinators of ...
Les coordinateur·trices des villes membres du réseau international des Cités interculturelles (ICC), ainsi que les ...
Addressing the Ministers' Deputies, the Secretary General highlighted the vital importance of the Organisation's ongoing work and the importance of delivering results, saying: "In this, the Council of ...
The Council of Europe has issued guidelines aimed at protecting individuals' personal data when registering as voters and when their identity needs to be authenticated to participate in elections. The ...
The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights has found a violation of the human rights convention in the case of Pindo Mulla v. Spain, concerning blood transfusions given to a Jehovah’s ...
During an interview at the Tonight by Ilva Tare (a popular political Talk Show) Mr Denar Biba has expressed his appreciation for the Council of Europe assistance especially on auditing reports and ...
Avec en 2022 l’invasion à grande échelle de l’Ukraine par la Fédération de Russie – Provoquant de terribles pertes de vies humaines et la destruction d’habitations et d’infrastructures en Ukraine. Et ...
The set of 10 new Reykjavík Principles of Democracy is a means by which to measure and address the health of European democracies – Including our work to combat violence against women and domestic ...
L’honneur que la France me fait en m'octroyant cette décoration est une reconnaissance qui dépasse ma personne pour embrasser les valeurs et les idéaux que j’ai défendus tout au long de mon parcours p ...
Observers: for those State Agencies, departments or in general State entities as an initial step of association, in view of full membership. Partners: for any other kind of affiliates (i.e.
“In my remarks here five years ago, I said that: “The Council of Europe must…remain the benchmark for the promotion and ...
Malgré ces avancées dans la mise en œuvre de la convention, entrée en vigueur en Albanie il y a 10 ans, le GREVIO recense des domaines dans lesquels les autorités devraient prendre des « mesures ...