Iran has provided Russia with a large number of powerful surface-to-surface ballistic missiles, deepening the military ...
Twenty-four teams will take part in the tournament, with Afghanistan, Tajikistan, New Zealand and France making their debut ...
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump pledged on Friday to conduct mass deportations of Haitian immigrants from the ...
More than 900 farmers rely on crossing the river daily to access their farmlands, but only two boats are available, often ...
Daesh-affiliated members' armed attack on civilians in an area between Daikundi and Ghor provinces has provoked international ...
The Ministry of Transport and Aviation says the construction of the country's largest terminal has begun in Herat province.
McCaul also said that by not including the Afghan government in the Doha negotiations, Zalmay Khalilzad, the former US ...
The Chamran-1 satellite, which was launched into space by the Qaem-100 satellite carrier, was put into a 550-kilometre ...
He said that a large number of policemen in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have been killed in the fight against terrorism and if ...
Pakistan's Special Representative on Afgha­nistan, Asif Durrani, has been removed from his position due to differences over ...
Comoros President Azali Assoumani was slightly injured in a knife attack on Friday, the archipelago nation's government ...
The Ministry of Transport and Aviation says the construction of the country's largest terminal has begun in Herat province.