Tasavallan presidentti antaa 6.12.2024 kunniamerkkejä kaikkiaan 19:lle Aalto-yliopiston työntekijälle. Onnittelut saajille!
Jose Lado tarkastelee keväällä alkavassa projektissaan materiaaleja, jotka voisivat mahdollistaa niin kutsuttujen ...
Metsähovin radio-observatorion uusi vastaanotin ja Euroopan tutkimusneuvoston myöntämä ERC-rahoitus mahdollistavat mustien ...
The electronic degree certificate is an official original document bearing the digital signature of the school dean.
The Aalto Pioneering Excellence Award is given annually to selected teams for their work in advancing quality and excellence.
Aalto Pioneering Excellence -palkinto myönnetään vuosittain uraauurtavaa työtä tekeville tiimeille. Kunniamaininnan sai ...
It’s time to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of EIBA (European International Business Academy) and the future of research in ...
The Oasis of Radical Wellbeing set out to listen, observe, and sense the Aalto system through the idea of radical wellbeing. In order to cope with pressures at work and in life, we need new kinds of ...
M.Sc. (Tech.) Jaakko Isotalo's DBA dissertation investigates the role of sustainable impact accelerators (SIAs) in expediting new ventures' growth and sustainable impact. The topic for the research ...
Aalto Executive DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) -ohjelma on suunnattu kokeneille johtajille, jotka haluavat suorittaa tohtorintutkinnon työn ohella. Startup-yritysten kestävyysvaikutuksia voi ...
Professors of Practice Katja Tähtinen and Assistant Professors Jan Akmal, Magda Posani, and Jenni Partanen were appointed to ...
Professors at Aalto University are expected to perform high-quality research and teaching and supervise students on the doctoral, graduate, and undergraduate levels. This position involves teaching in ...