Matthew Wingfield received funding from the University of Toronto, Scarborough. Bettina von Lieres receives funding from ...
This is not exceptional for a person engaged in serving society for a lifetime. Gordhan was a national liberation and ...
From 2015-2018 John Blaxland received funding from the US DoD Minerva Research Initiative to undertake a study on the US-Thai alliance and Asian international relations (co-authored with Dr Greg ...
With Harris and Trump locked in a dead heat, getting their supporters to sing, scream and dance can cultivate an aura of ...
The risk of failing to achieve external equity (or comparability with other employers) is the loss of pilots. Although there ...
Trump’s display during the debate shows that his white male insecurity is a liability to his candidacy − and a threat to the ...
The oldest man in the world, John Tinniswood, supposedly aged 112, is from a very rough part of Liverpool. The easiest explanation is that someone has written down his age wrong at some point.
Russian attempts to use the Arctic as a military resource for the war are starting to be diminished by more effective western ...
Given the right conditions, certain types of cells are able to self-assemble into new lifeforms after the organism they were ...
Since 2018, the UAE has invested over US$6 billion in the country. This includes foreign reserves in the Sudanese central ...
Currently, there seems to be a consensus in the community that the uncertainties in the observations have to be teased out ...
NATO member Turkey’s intention to join the 9-member body that functions as an alternative to the Western-led order shows ...