HBR’s top five most popular articles of 2024 (so far), present an opportunity to reflect on the work you’ve done in the ...
Most companies’ climate targets are inadequate responses to the climate emergency. And while many companies are falling behind or exaggerating progress, other companies are responding by dialing back ...
Let’s say you’re leading a meeting about the hourly pay of your company’s warehouse employees. For several years it has automatically been increased by small amounts to keep up with ...
If you’ve noticed an uptick in subtle digs and snarky comments on your team, it may be indicative of a deeper issue: simmering resentment. As a leader, it’s your responsibility to restore harmony ...
There are significant trade-offs inherent in traditional knowledge-sharing tools and mechanisms, such as operating manuals or trainings. The more comprehensive the instructions, the less likely that ...
The number of AI tools in health care is growing. They hold the promise to help health systems address many of the causes of ...
The number of AI tools in health care is growing. They hold the promise to help health systems address many of the causes of inequities in health care. This article reviews some of the new tools ...
When you present a new idea to your team, getting conflicting feedback can feel discouraging—but it doesn’t necessarily mean the idea is flawed. Instead, it often signals ambiguity, revealing that ...
Nearly all transformation efforts face significant challenges that can derail the whole program. These can range from ...
Numerous researches have shown that we forget much of what we experience in a day. Knowing this, how do you create messages ...
Few companies have a clear idea of where strategy making ends and execution begins. As a result they develop strategic plans ...