قال الرئيس السابق دونالد ترامب، الخميس، إن التضخم لم يكن موجودا خلال فترة رئاسته، مما يضع تناقضا بين إدارته وإدارة الرئيس جو ...
في مغامرة مفعمة بالأدرنالين، وثق المغامر العُماني أحمد الحراصي تجربة نزوله إلى وادي سيق بولاية الجبل الأخضر في سلطنة عُمان.
Skywalkers: A Love Story” shows the rooftoppers Ivan Beerkus and Angela Nikolau climbing impossible heights while navigating ...
Todos los vuelos de varias de las principales aerolíneas de Estados Unidos —incluidas Delta, United y American Airlines— ...
Eric Liddell and Harold Abrahams both won Olympic gold medals in Paris 100 years ago, their achievements immortalized in the ...
Tech outages are causing disruption globally, with airports and media outlets affected across Europe, North America and the ...
A giant dark-brown millipede, not documented for 126 years, has been recorded in Makira Natural Park, home to the largest and ...
The Trump rally shooter searched online for information on the arrest of a Michigan mass shooter and his parents, who were ...
أكد مسؤول في إنفاذ القانون الأمريكي لشبكة CNN، أن جيه مايكل كلاين، مؤسس شركة تذاكر السينما Fandango، سقط حتى ولقي حتفه من أحد ...
All flights from several major US airlines – including Delta, United and American Airlines – were grounded Friday morning due ...
Thousands of supporters chanted “fight, fight, fight” and pumped their fists Thursday night as Donald Trump basked in the ...
Undecided voters in Wisconsin talk to CNN’s Gary Tuchman about former President Trump’s performance as he gave a lengthy ...