The Naruto anime introduced a stunning variety of characters over time, giving the entire franchise an ensemble cast for fans ...
Sasuke Uchiha, a complex character in the Naruto universe, has garnered both admiration and animosity throughout his journey.
Danzo's obsession with power led him to master Izanagi, a jutsu that cheated death but not his arrogance that led to his ...
To commemorate the upcoming My Hero Academia art exhibit, Horikoshi release a brand-new illustration of Deku and Shigaraki ...
The game's eighth season debuted on May 24 but without a season pass. The characters include Kawaki (Karma Progression) and ...
Celebrate ten captivating anime characters whose names begin with "N." From the cunning navigator Nami in "One Piece" to the ...
Itachi Uchiha was wise beyond his years, and he offered a lot of memorable wisdom across the course of Naruto and Shippuden.
Homer Uchiha (aka Homer Sharingan) is a series of viral memes and video edits depicting The Simpsons patriarch Homer Simpson drawn in the style of the manga television series Naruto. They are often ...
Masashi Kishimoto's Boruto earns the praise of the fans for featuring only one fight that could rival the top 3 Naruto ...
Some of history’s most memorable moments have iconic trios at the helm. These famous triple acts across various fields — ...
Sasuke Uchiha Sasuke explained to Boruto that he will be stronger because he is a bigger loser than Naruto. Which means that Boruto has grown to hate losing to a point that he would never give up or ...