Democrats were quick to decry Senate Republicans’ actions as anti-family. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) responded that “Republicans cannot claim to be pro-family on the one hand, while ...
For the second time in three months, U.S. Senate Republicans have blocked a Democratic attempt to advance a bill that would ...
The president is fine with shutting down the government or delaying interest rate cuts so long as it helps his political ...
Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) attacked Democratic colleagues this week for voting down a bill he called the "IVF with HSAs Act" — ...
For the second time in three months, partisan bickering broke out over two IVF bills. "Same song, second verse," a GOP senator said.
Senators from Nebraska and Iowa joined their fellow Republicans voting against a bill to ensure the availability of fertility treatment, including in-vitro fertilization.
I’m not for government-mandated funding of IVF,” she added, as NBC News reported. Republicans had blocked the same bill from ...
Iowa U.S. senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst joined Republican colleagues to block a bill by Democrats that would ...
The US Senate blocked two separate in vitro fertilization (IVF) bills Tuesday: the Right to IVF Act, sponsored by Senator ...
Illinois Right to Life states that ‘in vitro fertilization is detrimental to the inherent value of life.’ The Catholic Church ...
Senate Republicans on Tuesday for the second time blocked a Democratic bill that would have created a federal right to ...
Vice-president says ‘we all remember what they did to tear families apart’; former Trump and Bush officials among more than 100 backing Harris. Teamsters polling data shows rank and file support ...