D Remake is finally here, and it's raised some very exciting possibilities for what the next entries may bring to the table.
Its colour palette absolutely pops, sometimes crossing the line from vibrant to lurid Its most recent application is in the ...
Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake is continuing to see incredible sales during its second week on the market, proving that the ...
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake is a surprisingly faithful adaption of the original Dragon Quest III, opting to prioritize ...
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake is the latest in a string of HD-2D RPGs that bring a modern, high-resolution twist to nostalgic ...
A Dragon Quest IX remake or remaster is needed from Square Enix next after Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake’s release.
HD-2D Remake is fundamentally the same adventure Dragon Quest III has always been, and it’s hard not to marvel at how well ...
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake just launched last week, while the first two games in the RPG franchise will get the same ...
To unpack that, the Dragon Quest 3 remake will be followed by an HD-2D glow-up for the first two games. That may seem odd at ...
Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake has become the top-selling game in Japan for 2024, despite only releasing a week ago.
The producer of Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake wants to see Final Fantasy VI get the same treatment at some point.
Sure, Dragon Quest 3I HD-2D Remake is a curiosity – an 8-bit game dragged into the 21st century purely on the basis of ...