The study in the journal Science found that although not witnessed by humans there was the collapse of a “1.2 km-high mountain peak into the remote Dickson Fjord beneath, causing a backsplash of water ...
The scientists said the landslide sent an estimated that 25 million cubic meters of rock and ice crashing into Dickson Fjord ...
confirming that the project operator has developed plans for the safe and effective geological storage of CO2 in compliance ...
Although landslide-tsunamis have been recorded before, the one in September 2023 was the first ever seen in east Greenland, ...
Learn about the massive 2023 landslide and mega-tsunami in Greenland that led to a nine-day worldwide earthquake.
A melting glacier caused a mountain in Greenland to collapse into a narrow fjord, setting off an oscillating wave that rattled seismic detectors around the world ...
Seismic data collected around the world (along with satellite imaging) confirmed that the event—which propagated around the world for a staggering nine days —was caused by a rockslide that triggered a ...
In September 2023, scientists detected a strange seismic signal that lasted for nine days. This mysterious signal puzzled ...
In a remote part of Greenland, a massive landslide triggered a mega-tsunami that reverberated across a fjord for nine days, causing seismic vibrations around the world.
A report revealed two UC San Diego seismologists were among an international team investigating a mysterious tsunami in Greenland.
In September of 2023, a landslide of enormous proportions displaced enough water in a Greenland fjord to create a tsunami ...
The strange, imperceptible tremor mystified geologists, but a vast team of researchers says it has cracked the case.