Kansas State University is joining a new pilot program from Farm Journal Foundation to support veterinary students.
NSW Police have today officially launched two initiatives at Port Macquarie aimed at identifying and recruiting future police officers.You Should Be a ...
RIB MOUNTAIN - Families, community members and anyone interested in a career in law enforcement are invited to an annual open ...
Virginia Beach has a vocational training specialty school but it is only part-time. I will advocate for the Virginia Beach City Public Schools career and tech ed program to be a full-time program.
Jacquie Walters' debut, 'Dearest,' is a horror novel about new motherhood, including the demands of a breastfeeding infant, as well as how postpartum hormones affect a woman's psyche.
The STEM Alliance was recently awarded a $7,500 grant to launch a pilot digital equity program focused on women in ...
School districts in every state have the flexibility to adopt competency-based learning, but implementation is easier said ...
Many military aviation enthusiasts are familiar with Top Gun and the Tuskegee Airmen. This is the story of one heroic pilot ...
The National Transportation Safety Board, Federal Aviation Administration and other agencies are investigating two plane crashes that occurred in northeast Nebraska on Monday morning. The federal ...
Autonomy solutions for BVR combat will initially be developed and demonstrated on F-16 testbeds and then transferred to an ...
Long-time Progressive Conservative MPP Lisa MacLeod has announced she will not be seeking re-election in the next provincial ...
This year, the Savannah River Site Apprenticeship School has welcomed six high school students from across the CSRA to ...