California lawmakers want to strengthen protections against digitally altered media ahead of the Nov. 5 election, but questions about enforcement linger.
California lawmakers approved a host of proposals this week aiming to regulate the artificial intelligence industry, combat deepfakes and protect workers from exploitation by the rapidly evolving technology.
Former President Trump suggested during an interview with television psychologist “Dr. Phil” McGraw that he would win California if Jesus Christ was the one counting ballots.
Responding to Trump's assertion that he'd win California "if Jesus came down" to count votes, Whatley dismissed him
Senate Bill 1174 prohibits local governments from requiring voter ID at polling places, but existing state law already says that, in most cases, California voters needn’t show ID before voting at the polls. The Legislature passed the bill in August, and it awaits Gov. Gavin Newsom’s approval.
Kamala Harris is telling voters that abortion is on the ballot in her 2024 election against Donald Trump. She has a long record of supporting reproductive rights in California.
Even if the bill wins final passage and is signed into law, its impact is uncertain. The California Department of Finance told KCRA that the program has no money to give anyone — undocumented or not — because lawmakers didn’t appropriate funds for it this year.
There's no secret who's running to be president in 2024. But whether Vice President Kamala Harris or former president Donald Trump takes the Oval Office, races lower on the Nov. 5 ballot can have as much — or even more — day-to-day impact on the lives of Inland Empire residents.
Elon Musk has been critical of vote-by-mail as he's been more vocal about his politics. His California voting record reveals he voted by mail in the state.
The California legislature passed a bill banning local governments from adopting voter identification laws for local elections.
Rep. Adam Schiff headlined a North Bay Labor Council pancake breakfast that featured a slate of Democratic politicians urging an all-out push to elect Vice President Kamala Harris this November.