The combination of the animated sequel, the history-making 'Wicked' and 'Gladiator II' is delivering an unparalleled ...
Although the genre began to wane in popularity from the 1970s through the 1990s, the one-two punch of screen original "Moulin ...
This is how you do a big-budget blockbuster sequel, developing the themes of the first movie and setting up the stake for what now appears will be one of the best trilogies in superhero history.
“I'm delighted that 'Kiss Me Kate' will continue its journey onto the big screen this November," Dunbar ... Op'nin', Another Show," "Brush Up Your Shakespeare," "Tom, Dick or Harry and ...
U.S. audiences will get the chance to feel like they're sitting in a London theater and watching a smash-hit production of Cole Porter's classic musical "Kiss Me Kate," during a special screening in ...