Polls by “select pollsters” are shown with a diamond. These pollsters have backgrounds that tend to mean they are more ...
President Biden is trailing former President Trump in Virginia, according to an Emerson College Polling/The Hill poll ...
The latest campaign finance reports show a cash advantage for incumbents but Democrats outpacing Republicans in a pair of ...
Gov. Jim Justice of West Virginia, who is running for Senate, was accompanied by his dog, Babydog, during his speech at the ...
West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice was joined by his English bulldog Babydog at the the Republican National Convention Tuesday.
Democrats are increasingly nervous about Republican inroads in traditionally blue states, thanks to President Biden’s ...
Former President Donald Trump holds a narrow lead over President Joe Biden in must-win Virginia, according to a new poll.
Support for President Joe Biden in Virginia is declining, according to a new Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) poll, ...
Senate Candidate Gov. Jim Justice (West Virginia) gives remarks on day two of the RNC. He brings his dog, Babydog, on stage ...
Former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden are in a close race for support among Virginia voters, according to a ...
Public polling on the state of the presidential race this week seems to be moving in favor of the Republicans.
For those not at the top of the ticket, the convention was a chance to court home-state activists, schmooze national donors and otherwise attempt to pump up their prospects.