In their lyrical, often intensely moving afternoon concert at the Proms, Yo-Yo Ma, Emanuel Ax and Leonidas Kavakos demonstrated such seamless communication that at points it was tempting to imagine ...
Is it because the British are wary of national sentiment from a genius that this performance of Má vlast (My Homeland) is the only London offering in Smetana’s 150th anniversary year? Supple movement, ...
When the first solo album by Tangerines Dream’s Peter Baumann was released in the US in 1977, its promotion was striking.
Dalia Stasevska is a persuasive advocate for new music, as presented on her new album Dalia’s Mixtape. She combines a ...
Complete Symphonic, Concertante and Sacred Music Recordings Orchestra e Coro dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia ...
In fact, to the excellent collaboration with New Age Doom, Lee “Scratch” Perry’s Guide to the Universe and the solo King ...
Paradise Is Burning is one of those films that appears to be designed to convince the outside world that Sweden isn’t all ...
Every actor has their own take on what acting means to them, which will include the chance to occupy personalities more ...
If you ever doubted that Bizet’s Carmen, 150 years young next year, is one of the greatest operas of all time, this ...
After the client has settled on the analyst’s couch, the lights are dimmed. Music sets the mood. A wordless vocal is ...
The Philharmonia’s residency was the centrepiece of the Edinburgh International Festival’s final weekend, and it’s right that ...
There’s a specific vocabulary that attends the arrival of a new Nick Cave album in the 21st century. Words like redemptive, ...