James EleftherionIf you’ve ever dribbled a soccer ball in this area or had the privilege of watching a child perform the tack ...
Emergency responders assist the victim of a single vehicle crash in Mahopac Falls. Photos Courtesy of Mahopac Falls Fire ...
Dr. Michael Nesheiwat thanked members of the Medical Reserve Corps for their dedicated service. Joining Legislator Amy Sayegh ...
Superintendent Erin Meehan-Fairben welcomed students back to school last week. Photo Courtesy of Carmel School DistrictThe ...
James Eleftherion Photo Courtesy of Joe Smith Funeral HomeJames Eleftherion affected the lives of thousands of young people throughout the Hudson Valley volunteering with the Hudson Valley Youth ...
The world has become a troubled place. Mass shootings have become common; natural disasters occur regularly. Communities must prepare for the inevitable. Realizing that Putnam County is not immune to ...
Two popular smoke shops in Mahopac have been closed by the state for illegally selling pot. Signage in the windows of the Royal Puff Smoke Shop on Route 6N in downtown Mahopac and the Tobacco King ...
I’d like to re-emphasize my support for Mayors Foley and Winward and Supervisor Van Tassel for their brave letter opposing Dockside as the terminus for the Fjord Trail. They acted as executives with ...
Now that schools have opened for the new term, police throughout the county have asked motorists to be courteous to neighbors surrounding school campuses. Two trouble spots for years have been found ...
Philipstown got some temporary good news recently when the masterminds of the so-called Fjord Trail came to the conclusion that Cold Spring village is not a wise place to put such a major tourist ...
For all the stunts he pulls, our current Congressman remains clearly aligned with his party in its errors, while trying to take credit for the work of others. (How much of the funding on that symbolic ...