In the next 25 years, more than 39 million deaths may be caused by antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and 169 million deaths are ...
On the first week of September (2-8), 81 suspected cases of whooping cough were registered by GPs in Hungary, according to ...
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Between 26 August and 1 September, 86 suspected cases of whooping cough were registered by GPs in Hungary, according to the ...
She graduated as an agricultural engineer from the University of Agricultural Sciences in Debrecen and as an environmental scientist from the University of Szeged. Her previous research interest ...
Gergely Ferenczi, Director of the Company Information division at OPTEN, completed his economics studies with a ...
Zoltan Monostori heads the Prudential Modelling Department of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, the Central Bank of Hungary (MNB). He ...
For a long time, artificial intelligence was a distant concept, then suddenly, it burst into our lives, with the potential to radically change not just technology but the business world. Where will it ...
Gábor joined JLL Hungary’s capital markets department in the summer of 2015. During his 8 years career in the Hungarian CRE market, he has advised transactions with a total volume of more than € 1 ...
Magyarország gazdaságpolitikai úttévesztésben van - hangsúlyozza Matolcsy György, a Magyar Nemzeti Bank elnöke a 62. Közgazdász-vándorgyűlésen, aki szerint teljes gazdaságpolitikai fordulatra van ...
Ukrajna "sokat elért" az Oroszország kurszki régiójában egy hónapja indított hadművelete alatt mostanáig, nehéz azonban megmondani, hogyan alakul tovább a helyzet - jelentette ki újságíróknak Jens ...
Bár egyes érvelések szerint a magas megtakarítás a ludas abban, hogy a magyarok nem fogyasztanak, a lakosság pénzügyi megtakarítása a GDP 70%-át sem érte el tavaly, ami a harmadik legrosszabb adat ...