Muddy fields and gardens, destroyed bridges and roads still characterize Baldramsdorf. The consequences of the storm damage ...
On Monday afternoon, a 25-year-old truck driver was about to park at a company site in Klöch when he damaged the hose system ...
A 22-year-old man was seriously injured at the Altaussee beer tent on Sunday night. He did not notice the cut himself at ...
The USA has confiscated Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's plane. According to a media report, the Dassault Falcon 900, ...
Unbelievable, but true: at the age of 17, Indian archer Sheetal Devi is one of the best in her sport worldwide - even though ...
Our second match of the round in the new season took us to the Gebietsliga West. And in Wettmannstätten, things were already ...
Tens of crimes within a few days! A 30-year-old Arab stole tobacco, destroyed a vending machine and smashed a window.
She is his personal "Pretty Woman": at the Venice Film Festival, Hollywood star Richard Gere caused a flurry of lightning ...
In total, Upper Austrian households and comparable institutions such as small businesses disposed of around 829,000 tons of ...
Austria's U21 footballers started their September training course in Bad Erlach on Monday. Team boss Gregoritsch and his ...
A total of 14 police drones are currently in use in Carinthia's airspace. The "Krone" was given a demonstration of what the ...
Dramatic scenes unfolded - as reported - on Sunday evening in Kirchberg. Three locals crashed on a quad bike - for one, all ...