It's called the MIND diet and its primary aim is to help guard against thinking and memory declines as you age. But ...
The Los Angeles area is seeing a troubling increase in local dengue fever cases, health officials warned Wednesday.
Americans have the worst health care among the world’s wealthy nations, a new report says.People in the United Stat ...
Climate change and worsening diets are sending global rates of stroke and stroke deaths skyward, a new study warns.
One of the most common diabetes drugs, metformin, might deliver an added bonus: Lowering users' odds for Long COVID ...
Exercise, whether moderate- or high-intensity, can help ease Parkinson's symptoms, including fatigue, new research s ...
Consumers should be aware that some chocolate labeled as “dairy-free” actually contains milk, the U.S. Food and Dru ...
A specific class of diabetes drug appears to lower people’s risk for dementia and Parkinson’s disease, a new study ...
Hopping backward is a good test to see if someone’s ACL surgery has gone well, a new study says.That backward hop i ...
There have been 50 face transplants performed in 11 countries since the surgery was pioneered back in 2005, and lo ...
Infections that don’t respond to antibiotics and antivirals are a growing threat around the world, a new study finds. Between ...
Women with early stage breast cancer may now take Kisquali, a medication already approved for advanced disease, fo ...