The USDA’s Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs says ag trade has been a priority for the Biden ...
An ethanol specialist says ethanol provides benefits to farmers and consumers. Brad Moffit with Ohio Corn and Wheat says work ...
The sugarbeet harvest pace is close to normal in west-central Minnesota. Jerry Trotter with the Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar ...
The president of the Illinois Fertilizer and Chemical Association says much uncertainty remains around the availability of over-the-top dicamba products in 2025. “That’s the $64,000 question.” Kevin ...
Broiler sets and placements continue to move above year ago levels. The USDA says 237.473 million broiler-type eggs were set ...
A carbon specialist wants farmers to consider doing less fall tillage. Clay Craighton with Agoro Carbon Alliance says ...
Central Indiana farmer Jim Douglas says harvest is just getting started in his part of the state. “You know, I see a sprinkle ...
A central Illinois farmer says harvest is off to a slow start. Jeff Brown, who’s based in Macon County, says early corn ...
Navigating the downturn in the ag economy. Ohio State ag economist Seungki Lee says farmers continue to face tight margins.  ...
U.S. ethanol production hit a 12-week low last week. The U.S. Energy Information Administration says production averaged ...
An agronomist with WestBred is reminding growers to let fields rest between corn harvest and winter wheat planting. Mark ...
Certified Ag Dealership has launched the first purpose-built truck for farmers and ranchers. CEO Pat Driscoll says it was ...