Up to $182 million of bonds will be issued by a city of Frisco entity to renovate Toyota Stadium, home to Major League Soccer ...
"I didn't even know this was an industry that existed. I didn't think there was a place to marry finance, investment banking ...
"I worked on climate resilient infrastructure and I worked on projects all over the world. Then the pandemic happened," ...
"My greatest career accomplishment is working for the state and helping bring forward the story of its improving financial ...
"As one of two model officers, Pat was instrumental in authoring the new criteria and presenting it for approval," said ...
"When I joined Stradling right out of law school, I didn't know what public finance was and I didn't know what I was getting ...
"It's a rewarding experience to be part of that group and to be with like-minded women," Gupta said. "I see a lot of young ...
"I was a public policy major," Calabrese said. Her studies focused on the regulatory environment at different levels of ...
"I joined Loop straight out of college," said Gellert, who graduated from Penn State University in 2013. "I appreciated the ...
"What is exciting about this work is the sheer number of things in the city I get to touch. I am working on airports, water ...
"I am really excited for the upcoming $1 billion-plus deal planned for next year to complete the renovations and ...
"I felt like I was arguing all the time, and I wanted to work more collaboratively and do good for the public," said Horevay.