Some two thousand children took part in the initiative promoted by the vicariate. The camps provided an opportunity to play, learn and grow in faith. Sharing experiences in a migrant reality is fundam ...
梵蒂冈城(亚洲新闻)- ...
Today's news: HILSA diplomacy between India and Bangladesh ends; South Korea approves the construction of two nuclear reactors; Practices to limit over-tourism in Japan work; Hundreds of sexually ...
Un rapporto del China Labour Bulletin documenta gli ultimi 10 anni di violazioni e criticità nella sanità. Una situazione che la pandemia di Covid ha solo alimentato, e scoperchiato, a fronte di ...
Duemila bambini hanno aderito all'iniziativa voluta dal vicariato. Un'occasione per giocare, imparare e crescere nella fede.
At a public commemoration, the governor attacked the educational work carried out under British rule, claiming that it sought ...
Francis reiterated his wish to visit Beijing, answering a question during the press conference on the return flight from his ...
In una commemorazione pubblica ha attaccato l'opera educativa portata avanti durante il dominio britannico, sostenendo che ...
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s resignation set off the crisis. Workers are protesting over back wages and accuse factory ...
Trying not to limit himself to the usual statements of state propaganda amid the universal conflict between Russia and the ...
Rain water seeps into the dome of the Taj Mahal. Dozens of journalists from different Hong Kong newspapers get threatening messages. Japan grants citizenship to the daughter of ...
Si tratta di una situazione scaturita dalle dimissioni dell'ex prima ministra Sheikh Hasina. I lavoratori protestano per i ...