According to a CBS News report, the Museum of Fine Arts Boston has repatriated a 2,700-year-old necklace made of gold and ...
According to a Live Science report, a bildstein, or stone carved with a picture during the medieval period, was discovered ...
The Slovak Spectator reports that a 5,000-year-old skeleton has been unearthed in eastern Slovakia by researchers from the ...
VAN, TURKEY—Newsweek reports that three well-preserved bronze shields and a helmet were discovered at Ayanis, a 2,700-year-old Urartian citadel on a hill overlooking Lake Van in eastern Turkey ...
GERSTETTEN, GERMANY—According to a report in The Independent, a 1,700-year-old grave was discovered in southern Germany during a construction project. The grave contained the remains of a 60 ...
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA—Live Science reports that prehistoric burials have been discovered in Malaysia’s Nenggiri Valley. Zuliskandar Ramli of the National University of Malaysia said that the ...
A mosaic depicting the Byzantine emperor Justinian I (left) decorates Ravenna’s Basilica of San Vitale (right). The monumental building was one of many constructed during his reign, which lasted ...
The waters of the Tigris River in Iraqi Kurdistan have receded and revealed the ruins of a 3,400-year-old palace. A team led by Hasan Ahmed Qasim of the Kurdish Archaeology Organization and ...
According to a statement released by the University of Reading, excavations at the site of a monastery in southeastern ...
Located in the province of Jujuy in northern Argentina, Pucará de Tilcara is the site of a pre-Inca fortification built around the twelfth century. Situated on a hill outside the small town of ...