MOSCOW, September 16. /TASS/. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is conducting an investigation into the shooting in the vicinity of Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump, ...
NEW YORK, September 15. /TASS/. A cat that is believed to be the world’s oldest one has died at an age of 33 in the United Kingdom, The Sun reported. According to the newspaper, the unofficial holder ...
It was determined this system presented a clear and imminent threat to U.S. and coalition forces, CENTCOM said ...
According to the The New York Post, Secret Service was a suspicious man on the Trump International Golf Course West Palm Beach ...
"A short while ago, the IAF struck a number of launchers, including a loaded and ready-to-use launcher belonging to the Hezbollah terrorist organization, in the area of Rachaya Al Foukhar in southern ...
According to Vasily Golubev, no one was hurt in the fires and assistance will be rendered to those who lost their housings and property ...
BELGRADE, September 15. /TASS/. Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin has said that by not raising the topic of Serbia’s purchase of Rafale fighter jets a meeting with him, Russian President ...
BEIRUT, September 15. /TASS/. King Abdullah II of Jordan has appointed Jafar Hassan the country’s new prime minister. "His Majesty Abdullah II ibn Al-Hussein, King of Jordan, has asked Jafar Hassan to ...
According to LPR’s head Leonid Pasechnik, the most serious situation is in the Antratsit municipal area, where wildfires have been raging since early September ...
More than 160 rescuers and 42 firefighting vehicles, including a Mi-8 helicopter are taking part in the firefighting operation ...
Putin is also expected to speak with the governors of Russian regions who were elected during the Single Voting Day ...
According to the National Public Health Agency, the patients were bitten by mosquitoes while visiting Romania and the Czech Republic ...