In a recent study on Uvdal Stave Church in Norway, researchers analysed two distemper paint samples from decorative boards.
While Inga Strümke does not believe artificial intelligence will take over the world with killer robots, the field still ...
Krüger argues that each platform brings out a specific side of us: Twitter/X the playful, Facebook the seducer, Instagram the ...
8.4 per cent of Norwegian Afghanistan veterans have clinical anger problems, or problematic anger. This makes anger by far ...
In kindergarten, children learn about what is expected of them in Norway. But parents are also met with expectations.
He has now researched how indie musicians in Oslo use social media. Because it is not just Taylor Swift and Beyoncé who are ...
The Sun's outermost layer is actually hotter than all the other layers combined. Solar researchers are now closer to an ...
Many people are not aware that they need more protein and more vitamin D as they get older. Researchers have investigated how ...
Schools that succeed have middle managers who are willing to be educational leaders. Schools that fail have middle managers ...
The combination of open, public data and artificial intelligence poses a major risk to Norwegian society,' says Professor ...
Only one in three Norwegian municipalities monitor accessibility in schools. The Norwegian Association for the Disabled ...