On Giorgio Morandi, a completed World War I memorial & writing history. Recent stories of note: “Largest Morandi exhibition ...
On students, Dana Gioia, Amy Lincoln, the New York Philharmonic & more from the world of culture.
René Girard stands out among the French theorists who came to have such disproportionate influence on American academic and intellectual life from the mid-1960s onward. Even if he was the cosponsor of ...
On September 5, the Friends and Young Friends of The New Criterion gathered at the magazine’s headquarters to hear remarks from D. J. Taylor in celebration of his new books, Orwell: The New Life ...
“Free in will! Free in deed! Free in enjoyment!” was a youthful slogan of Richard Wagner. Taken from one of his theoretical works written around the time of his participation in the Revolution of 1848 ...