After eating tainted food received from donors, more than 100 patients had been admitted to medical and care facilities in ...
The victims were ambushed after being lured by junta soldiers posing as members of another battalion of their group ...
A month after telling the family of the 28-year-old civilian man that they had freed him, junta personnel acknowledged that ...
The Myanmar team of the United Nations’ rights office described ‘depraved’ torture methods used by the military junta against ...
Floodwaters cover a field in Karenni State in the wake of Typhoon Yagi (Kam Laat-Kayah IDP Assistance Network) More than a ...
Junta aircraft bombed the urban wards controlled by the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) in Hsipaw and villages south ...
In some areas, the regime has prioritised isolating its opponents over public safety, according to locals affected by ...
Junta forces bombarded Hseng Taung, a large village made economically vibrant by the jade production in the township, using ...
Junta forces stationed at the Letpadaung copper mine in Sagaing Region’s Salingyi Township detained and tortured 23 local ...
Alleging that criminals are impersonating resistance forces to extort protection payments, the publicly mandated National ...
Myanmar’s resistance has made tremendous strides since the anti-coup protests of 2021, but achieving real victory remains a ...
A spokesperson for the Arakan Army (AA) said it would cooperate with organisations that bypassed Myanmar’s military regime by ...