Fire service officers, rescue workers, and volunteers said at least 66 have died in townships north of Naypyitaw, with ...
The regime’s embassy in Bangkok has moved to end passport renewals for students getting visas through unaccredited schools ...
The KNDF promised an investigation after 16 armed resistance members were confirmed to have drowned in in a rapid runoff ...
The regime claims that the 27 young men currently sheltering in KNU territory have been forced to join the Karen armed group ...
A battle broke out between Myanmar army troops stationed at a village hotel and KIA-led anti-junta forces, reportedly ...
The renowned orthopaedic surgeon turned minister speaks about his path from doctor to the generals to revolutionary ...
The town of Katha, about 35 miles southwest of Mandalay, has been under lockdown since the aborted mission on Sunday ...
Sai Zaw Thaike was reporting on the aftermath of Cyclone Mocha for Myanmar Now when he was arrested in May of last year ...
Scientists say the usual downpours and flooding during Myanmar’s rainy season will grow worse due to man-made climate change ...
The group and its allies are attempting to capture a key junta base in a bid to take full control of territory south of the ...
Regime forces carried out airstrikes to repel attacks on its base camp in Ma Daung Hla village, Khin-U Township, then ...
ICRC president Mirjana Spoljaric’s five-day visit included a trip to Rakhine State, where she said she witnessed “dire ...