Mark Edgington spent eight years in prison for a second-degree murder charge in connection with the beating and strangulation death of a motel manager in 1989
The state has voted for the Democratic nominee for president for two decades. But a new poll shows a loss of support, and some fed-up voters are considering alternatives.
Independent voter Tom Moulton and Tiani Coleman, president of New Hampshire Independent Voters, shared their thoughts on the current state of politics on "Fox & Friends First."
A day after new UNH polling showed that nearly 60 percent of respondents think President Joe Biden should leave the race, three Democratic lawmakers said Thursday they have not heard that concern from a single constituent.
NH state Sen. Bill Gannon and primary challenger Emily Phillips criticize each other's records, shaping race in 2024 Republican primary.
New Hampshire public and private high schools will soon be required to give voting information to students, under a law signed by Gov. Chris Sununu this month.
After serving as one of Nikki Haley’s most vocal surrogates during the Republican primaries, New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R) is now backing former president Donald Trump in the 2024 election. On Thursday,
Republican Gov. Chris Sununu, in a Fox News Digital interview, says that Donald Trump is 'going to do very, very well in a swing state like New Hampshire'
MILWAUKEE—Republicans have nominated a hillbilly for vice president. This, by his own admission. Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance is the author of “Hillbilly
J.D. Vance’s elevation to the number two spot on the Republican ticket marks the culmination of two remarkable transformations — one personal to Vance, and one that has swept over the American right as a whole.