The series revolves around the chaotic, dysfunctional but deeply loveable Walsh family of five sisters, a devout mother and a ...
EXCLUSIVE: The Walsh Sisters are coming to TV. Irish author Marian Keyes’ novels about the dysfunctional but loveable Walsh ...
"The Walsh Sisters," a television adaptation of Marian Keyes' beloved novels, is slated to begin filming in early 2025.
Are you a fan of Marian Keyes? If so, pop this one into your calendar! It has been confirmed that the author's bestselling ...
Irish writer Stefanie Preissner, known for creating comedy Can’t Cope, Won’t Cope, has adapted the series, writing four ...
Marian Keyes is one of the UK's best loved authors – so we can't wait for her novels to be adapted by the BBC for a new TV ...
Stefanie Preissner, the Dublin-based screenwriter, author, and actor, known for RTÉ’s comedy drama Can't Cope, Won't Cope, was entrusted with adapting the novels, leading the writing team with four ...
The stories about the Walsh sisters, including Watermelon, have been read by millions and are now being brought to the small ...
A NEW TV series based on Marian Keyes’s Walsh family novels will air on RTÉ late next year. RTÉ today announced that a ...
Calling all Marian Keyes fans! RTÉ has announced it has commissioned a brand new drama series based on one of the Irish ...
The Walsh Sisters, a six-part drama series based on novels by Marian Keyes, is to be shown on RTÉ television next year. Metropolitan Films, a Bray-based production company, has teamed up with Cuba ...