In preparation for the 2027 Census of Agriculture, NASS is already asking for content change suggestions and for new ...
Samantha Greene, a junior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said she quickly noticed a difference in the student body when she stepped on campus ...
The USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service released a 2022 Census of Agriculture web maps app that aims to provide ...
People are endowed with their rights by nature of their humanity, a person’s race, on the other hand, has no intrinsic value.
She said the country “needs a president of the United States who works for all the American people.” What she did not do was ...
A new map highlights which states have the highest proportion of women to men, and explores the factors contributing to America's demographic differences.
Of homeowners with a mortgage on Long Island, 43.4% of them paid more than 30% of their income on housing costs, the survey ...
We discuss rising single parenthood and its consequences for children on the most recent episode of the Utterly Moderate ...
A majority of Black voters are just as excited or more this year as in 2008, when then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) became the ...
We took a closer look at how Americans’ views and experiences have evolved on a variety of topics over the last 20 years.
• Kansas Children – Kansas children are just as likely to be uninsured as their counterparts nationally (5.6 percent in ...
The Census Bureau figures don’t distinguish whether people are in the United States legally or illegally. Illegal immigration ...