GOVERNMENT POLICY As anti-migrant, anti-equalities, anti-abortion, misogynistic and anti-LGBTQI rhetoric in electoral ...
International events and, crucially, the political and media rhetoric that accompanies them, have historically been a ...
Perhaps that is why, in private conversations, almost no one we talk to—not other analysts, diplomats, or ...
The vote comes after the UN’s top court said in July that Israel’s presence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem is illegal.
No veto in the General Assembly, opens opportunity for the world to express its opposition to Israel’s brutal occupation of ...
The United States has had no qualms about casting its lot with the most openly and thoroughly racist regime Israel has ever ...
The United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday adopted a Palestinian-drafted resolution that demands Israel end "its ...
This comes as the UN special rapporteur on the right to food, Michael Fakhri, is accusing Israel in a new report of carrying out a deliberate starvation campaign in Gaza.
Internationally, much of the blame for Israel’s current policies is laid at the feet of far-right elements in Israel’s ...
In fact, explicit Jew-hatred and antisemitic violence have now become a sad reality of Jewish life in Canada, due to the fact ...
The U.N. General Assembly will vote on a Palestinian resolution demanding that Israel end its “unlawful presence” in Gaza and ...
In any normal year, people with such radical records wouldn’t be allowed near a presidential campaign, let alone given senior ...