Popular former leader throws his hat in the ring as President Emmanuel Macron strains to contrive a new government.
President Emmanuel Macron on Monday intensified efforts to find a new prime minister after almost two months of deadlock ...
French President Emmanuel Macron was to host former presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande Monday as he weighed ...
The meetings at the Elysee presidential palace come after surprise legislative elections last month resulted in no party winning the majority at the National Assembly, France’s powerful lower ...
The left-wing coalition has insisted that the new prime minister should be from their ranks because it's the largest group in the National Assembly.
PARIS (AP) — French President Emmanuel Macron will hold talks with key political players in a bid to form a new government, ...
French politicians have been deadlocked over a future government since an early legislative vote in July produced no clear ...
The meetings at the Elysee presidential palace come after surprise legislative elections last month resulted in no party winning the majority at the National Assembly, France’s powerful lower ...
But the party only has about a third of the seats in the National Assembly, France's powerful lower house of parliament, and no party has a majority. Macron’s centrist alliance came in second ...
But the party only has about a third of the seats in the National Assembly, France’s powerful lower house of parliament, and no party has a majority. Macron’s centrist alliance came in second ...