The world's worst child health crisis is malnutrition. Climate change is making it even harder to solve. To protect the world ...
An expert reveals what learning may look like in the future—and how to ensure that all students benefit equally.
What inspires the inspiring? The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Goalkeepers are a community of changemakers who are ...
As co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill Gates shapes and approves foundation strategies, advocates for the foundation’s issues, and sets the organization’s overall direction. He works ...
SEATTLE (August 20, 2024) – The escalating outbreak of mpox in the Democratic Republic of Congo and several other African countries is deeply concerning. The tragic human impact of the outbreak, with ...
Long before she devoted her life to studying mosquitoes, Corine Ngufor knew their scourge. Growing up in Cameroon, “I was condemned to suffer from malaria,” she says. “My siblings and I would just ...
When COVID-19 accelerated digital transformation globally, it highlighted the difference between strong and weak digital infrastructure. Countries have a narrow window to ensure they have digital ...
While important progress has been made in recent years toward greater gender equality, women still face significant obstacles to participating in the economy on equal terms with men. Low-income women ...
SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced today a gift of $750 million over five years to help ensure that children in developing countries are immunized against major killer diseases ...
In February 2020, Bill Gates invited a group of experts to share a meal. On the menu? A discussion about the emerging COVID-19 outbreak, and what it might mean for the world. Two years after that ...
In coming years, rapid advances in artificial intelligence(AI), will play an increasingly large role in global health and development, with the potential to fundamentally alter the way people ...