When police initially arrived on scene, they found that Muckinhaupt fired “bean bag” shotgun rounds into and at the ... is expected in court on October 12.
He saw Boudreau catch the water bottle and point him out to Lehman, who then shot Volter-Jones with a 12-gauge shotgun loaded with a “less-lethal” bean bag round, according to the lawsuit.
The cubs waited for their mother, then climbed down when she did not return. Bean bag rounds rarely kill animals that are hit by them. But they can cause injury said CPW Spokesman John Livingston.
12—JUNEAU — Two law enforcement officers were legally ... Branden Forst, an Alaska Wildlife Trooper, shot Kissack three times after "less lethal" bean bag rounds failed to stop him, prosecutors said.
He said he didn’t see evidence of a threat to life or serious bodily injury, and criticized an officer for improperly firing ...
The cubs waited for their mother, then climbed down when she did not return. Bean bag rounds rarely kill animals that are hit by them. But they can cause injury said CPW Spokesman John Livingston.
12—JUNEAU — Two law enforcement officers ... shot Kissack three times after "less lethal" bean bag rounds failed to stop him, prosecutors said. The Alaska Office of Special Prosecutions ...
By Alan Gionet Click here for updates on this story SAN JUAN COUNTY, California (KCNC) — In a small Colorado town where the Durango and Silverton Narrow Guage Railroad reaches its destination, there’s ...