Looks at campaigns that have showcased products and built connections with consumers by placing them at the core of emotional and cultural experiences, using three award-winning case studies.
Read daily effectiveness insights and the latest marketing news, curated by WARC’s editors.
Highlights key trends across five different areas of programmatic advertising: capabilities and concerns; signal loss and cookie deprecation; supply chain transparency; sustainability; and future ...
The plastic surgery information platform market is a market that provides consumers with plastic surgery information and successful plastic surgery case studies while operating on a revenue model that ...
Dove, a personal care brand, challenged the hyper-critical beauty culture impacting teenage girls in India with its Stop the Beauty Test campaign which provoked conversation and triggered action for ...
Why is this work relevant for Creative Strategy? This campaign used creativity, insight and behavioral science to deliver business effectiveness and change a nation for the better. In Thailand's ...
Health insurance brand ACKO resurrected iconic film characters to disrupt category advertising norms in India. We’re long-term subscribers to WARC and it’s a tool we use extensively. We use it to ...
Coca-Cola’s Fanta, a brand of flavored carbonated soft drinks, hosted a live Halloween cooking competition on Twitch to promote the launch of its new Fanta Mystery flavor in Brazil and Latin America.
Soft drinks brand Fanta increased sales and brand loyalty among Gen Z in Turkiye with a digital and outdoor campaign to support the second iteration of its What the Fanta Fabulous Flavour Hunt. We’re ...
Existing marketing and advertising literature in VR is inconsistent in defining and testing different forms of VR. Consequently, prior findings should be taken with caution. For advertisers seeking to ...
There are a variety of attention measurement tools out there, ranging from facial coding and eye tracking to surveys; given that all have plusses and minuses, experts recommend using multiple methods.
Hand sanitiser brand Lifebuoy reinvigorated hand hygiene in post-COVID Vietnam by targeting children in a superhero-powered back-to-school campaign. We’re long-term subscribers to WARC and it’s a tool ...