The Sirocco wind is a hot, dry sirocco wind blowing north from the Sahara is frequent during the summer season, bringing blinding sand and dust storms to North African coastal regions of Libya, Egypt, ...
Baking a South African milk tart pie puts a creative spin on a classic African dessert recipe. African food means sharing. Turning a Melktert pie into a super-sized slab pie makes it super easy to cut ...
Arab traders introduced bananas from Southeast Asia to East Africa using the Silk Road sea routes, dhows ships and monsoon winds. The banana quickly became an important part of African agriculture, ...
Human sacrifice has been practiced in various African cultures throughout history. Southern Nigeria’s Igbo ethnic group inhabits the remote villages of Umuhu and Ubahu-Ezike in Okija where police say ...
Libyan wheat bread, or khubz, is made from wheat flour, water, and salt, and it is baked in a brick oven or on a hot surface. Is it Khobz or Khubz? Both spellings of the traditional Libyan bread ...
The history of Africa is deep. Dive into Africa's rich history, vibrant diaspora, global culture, mouth-watering food recipes, stunning art, fascinating people, breathtaking landscapes, and powerful ...
South African cabbage recipe is a healthy mix of cabbage, corn meal and brown rice cooked in one pot. Easy African Way To Cook Cabbage. African recipes by The African Gourmet. Creative cabbage recipe ...
In a large mixing bowl, add flour, salt and cold water mixing well with a bread hook attachment. You can also mix by hand. Mix until flour and water and fully incorporated. In a large pot over medium ...
Simply tear off a small piece of Foufou, hold it with your fingers making a slight indentation to keep the food, and scoop up a small portion bringing the food and tasty Foufou into your mouth and ...
The tree does not fall at the first stroke. He is rich enough who owes nothing. The fool who is silent passes for wise. The only way to keep a secret is to say nothing. Scratch people where they itch.
A great warrior did not return from the hunt. His family gave him up for dead, all except his youngest child who each day would ask, "Where is my father? Where is my father?" The child's older ...