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Let’s take a quick look at the science of this easy build. When you stretch a rubber band, you’re storing energy in it. This stored energy is called potential energy. When you let the rubber band go, ...
Talk of sustainable practices are all around us. Environmental sciences have gone from a fringe area of study, to a highly in demand area of expertise. Protecting our planet is so important. We want ...
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Disclaimer: This article may contain commission or affiliate links. As an Amazon Influencer I earn from qualifying purchases. Not seeing our videos? Turn off any adblockers to ensure our video feed ...
Disclaimer: This article may contain commission or affiliate links. As an Amazon Influencer I earn from qualifying purchases. Not seeing our videos? Turn off any adblockers to ensure our video feed ...
Get started in STEM with easy, engaging activities.
Get started in STEM with easy, engaging activities.
Have you ever watched how the playground swing makes a big arc through the sky and wondered what forces make that happen? That swing is a classic example of a ...