Children at risk of dyslexia who played Space Invaders Extreme 2 showed improvement at a word-identification task ...
This podcast was produced for The Kavli Prize by Scientific American Custom Media, a division separate from the magazine’s ...
Political violence has a different effect on people today than it did in the past because of social media and extreme ...
Food scientist Larissa Zhou was getting into rock climbing and backpacking near Seattle when she realized that her day job ...
If you grew up in the 1990s and have even a cursory interest in tornadoes, you’ve probably seen Twister. The disaster flick ...
CLIMATEWIRE | A cycle of “perpetual disaster recovery” threatens to drag down states along the Gulf of Mexico as climate ...
Puerto Rico is suing fossil fuel companies over climate damages, saying that the industry knew about the dangers of its ...
ChatGPT Isn’t ‘Hallucinating’—It’s Bullshitting! It’s important that we use accurate terminology when discussing how AI ...
Virologists say that the bird flu strain that is infecting cattle in the U.S. is unlikely to cause a pandemic in humans, but ...
He is talking about space aliens. Known as the Fermi paradox, the question still hasn’t been answered. Despite numerous ...
SpaceX has filed a request with the Federal Aviation Administration to determine whether the company can resume launches of ...
Chasers will always be a vital part of tornado detection efforts, but now drones, artificial intelligence and supercomputers ...