A lot needs to be done to stop the terrible processes around Belarus – as noted by Head of State Aleksandr Lukashenko during today’s ...
During today’s Open Microphone with the President event, Aleksandr Lukashenko was presented with a handmade chess set from the Vitebsk ...
While answering questions during today’s Open Microphone with the President event, featuring students of the Vitebsk Region ...
Answering a slightly fantastic question asked during today’s Open Microphone with the President event, featuring students of the Vitebsk ...
The United States has achieved all its wealth at the expense of developing countries – as noted by Head of State Aleksandr Lukashenko ...
President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko is on a visit to the Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov, ...
While answering questions during today’s Open Microphone with the President event, featuring students of the Vitebsk Region ...
It is necessary to carry out a new sci-tech revolution in Belarus in an accelerated mode – as noted by Head of State Aleksandr ...
Congratulating students, undergraduates and postgraduates on Knowledge Day during today’s Open Microphone with the President event, ...
The Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov has a special place in lour historical memory – as noted by Head of State ...
The West is seeking to turn Belarus into another hotspot on the world map – as noted by Head of State Aleksandr Lukashenko during the ...
The peculiarity of the current moment of historical development is that countries and nations of the planet are involved in a race for ...