The 36-year-old Spanish skyrunner Kilian Jornet Burgada has climbed all 82 4,000-meter peaks in the Alps in the astonishing ...
Natalia Kalucka of Poland and Ludovico Fossali of Italy have win gold at the European Speed Climbing Championships.
Russian mountaineers Mikhail Mironov and Sergei Mironov are safely in Skardu. The pair was transported there by Pakistani military helicopter following the serac collapse on Gasherbrum IV which ...
Spanish climber Jorge Diaz-Rullo has repeated 'Change', the 9b+ at Flatanger in Norway first ascended by Adam Ondra in 2012 ...
Switzerland's Dani Arnold and Simon Gietl from the South Tyrol, Italy, climbed Einserkofel - Cima Una, Zwölferkofel - Croda ...
Watch the first two episodes of 'The Crux', a four-part series documenting the journey of the world’s most elite climbers.
Russian mountaineers Mikhail Mironov and Sergei Mironov are safely in Skardu. The pair was transported there by Pakistani military helicopter following the serac collapse on Gasherbrum IV which ...
The IFSC Youth World Championships 2024 will take place at Guiyang in China. 599 athletes from 49 nations are taking part in the 10-day event.
Sono deceduti Francesco Favilli e Filippo Zanin, due alpinisti esperti, durante una salita sulla sud della Marmolada, ...
Per la rassegna AlTre Storie sotto le Cime di Auronzo di Cadore, mercoledì 4 settembre 2024 l'ospite sarà il noto alpinista e ... è un sito che tratta di arrampicata, alpinismo, trekking, vie ferrate, freeride, sci alpinismo, snowboard, racchette da neve, arrampicata su ghiaccio su tutte le montagne del mondo.