An Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka – University of Otago postgraduate student is hoping an innovative approach to a tricky subject will ...
Receiving an award from your peers is always significant, but for Otago Professor Rob Walker a personal connection makes it ...
A new award aiming to encourage and reward innovative legal thinking has been established by distinguished lawyer, Otago ...
From spoiled meat to seaweed and secure software – a wide range of University of Otago research projects have secured $8 ...
Since waving goodbye to her aunt and uncle, who were leaving Manhattan on a cruise liner in the 1950s, Dr Wendy London has ...
When Dr Jim Salinger was enrolling for study at the University of Otago in the 1960s, he was torn between medicine and climate science. He had the marks for entry into medicine but decided to follow ...
Otago is the only New Zealand university offering a Bachelor of Radiation Therapy (BRT), but what do radiation therapists do ...
The University of Otago – Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka welcomes a new leadership appointment to Te Ao o Rongomaraeroa National Centre ...
From his first posting in the Cook Islands to his current position as New Zealand Ambassador to China, Otago history alumnus ...
Associate University Librarian Shiobhan Smith says creating a closing announcement in English and te reo Māori is both timely ...
Niranjan Ramesh is trading his couch for running shoes and will be tackling the Dunedin 2024 half marathon on 15 September to ...
Doctoral graduand Te Hira Paenga wrote his thesis entirely in Te Reo Māori, a first for Otago's Theology Programme; Head ...