The NCETM Primary Round-up is emailed to subscribers: if you didn’t get yours, or if you have new colleagues, subscribe here, or contact us if you have any difficulties. Previous editions are ...
This project is for Early Years teachers who would like to develop their specialist knowledge for teaching maths to Reception pupils. It may be particularly relevant for teachers that have moved ...
Participants should be experienced teachers of Core Maths from schools and colleges in at least their second year of teaching Core Maths. Where appropriate, participants will be expected to work with ...
What is your email address? (So we can contact you about your feedback if appropriate.) The NCETM is led and delivered by Etio (formerly Tribal Education Services), with MEI as a key partner. Learn ...
Whether you’re stepping into teaching for the first time or returning with years of experience, we’re here to support your journey with all the maths CPD you need this year and beyond We hope you’ve ...
Our diagram shows a school's journey towards mastery. Use it to determine where your school's journey starts (click/tap diagram to show a larger version with more detail of the journey). Participation ...
This is for primary schools who have previously been involved in a Development or Embedding Work Group, or who are Mastery Specialist schools. Our diagram shows a school's journey towards mastery. Use ...
The Multiplication and Division spine is divided into 30 segments. For each of these segments we have produced a detailed teacher guide, including text and images. The images are also presented as ...
Effective teaching for mastery is underpinned by five big ideas. This webpage provides a diagram and an overview of them.
Children’s chances of success are maximised if they develop deep and lasting understanding of mathematical procedures and concepts. Here we explain the rationale behind this, and provide planning and ...
Materials to help teachers develop a mastery approach in their classrooms and schools We have worked with classroom-based teachers within the Maths Hubs Network to produce a range of mastery materials ...